Cuckoo for Chocolate Chips Cookies

It's strange how your tastes change as you get older. My love of Bordeaux was replaced with the elegance of Burgundy. My constant hankering for bratwurst has now changed to a constant craving for Malaysian sambal, Punjabi samosas and chocolate chip cookies - not necessarily all at the same time. Keebler, Chips Ahoy, Pepperidge Farms? Meh. Today, I'm on a quest to make the perfect gooey chocolate cookies.
Fortunately, I have a good base to work from. This tried and true recipe is adapted from college mate of mine. I like it because the cookie base is incredibly versatile and consistently bakes well in just about any temperature or humidity condition.
Today we are making chocolate chip cookies three-ways, dark chocolate and clementine oranges., chocolate chips with caramel, and straight up chocolate chips.
Cookie Base:
2 Cups of flour
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1 stick of cold butter brunoise
1 farm fresh eggs
1/2 cup of Ghiradelli Large chocolate chips
Orange Peel
100 grams of candied Clementine orange peel finely chopped
Special thanks needs to go out to Tina Chen, a friend who is a product manager at Ghiradellis' chocolate lab in San Leandro. She always has the best interests of my belly in mind. I am quite envious of her she has the fun job of creating and experimenting with new chocolate products.
As a strategic consultant, I manage chaos for a living. So travel is easy for me. Heh. I travel to understand people and culture more deeply than a newspaper or tv show could ever tell me. I break bread to build bridges across political and social boundaries. Travel inspires me, teaches me and humbles me such that I appreciate my part of the world more deeply.